ঘুম লাগা: Feel sleepy.
Related Words
ঘষা মাজা  ঘষা লাগা  ঘষালাগা  ঘুম ভাঙা  ঘুম লাগা  ঘুমভাঙা  ঘোর কাটা  ঘোর পাগল  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
At lunch (দুপুরের খাবারে): They were talking so much at lunch that their food went cold.
Breakdown of (বিস্তারিত): Here is statistical breakdown of data.
Convenient to(সুবিধাজনক): The work is convenient to your nature.
Free from (মুক্ত): He is now free from danger.
Indifferent to (উদাসীন): Everybody is indifferent to my problem.
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At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
Easy and free (অমায়িক): The boy is easy and free, so he has many friends.
Salt of the earth (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যক্তিবর্গ) —The salt of the earth is remembered always.
See to (বিবেচনা করা)— Can you see to it that everyone gets a copy of this memo?
To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.